- The Bible as the inspired Word of God and as the revealed will of God.
- The One True God manifesting Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- The fall of man and satan's control over the unborn-again man.
- The salvation of man through the shed blood of Jesus Christ and His substitutionary death.
The Scriptures declare:- A. The Deity and Humanity of Christ.
- B. His Virgin Birth.
- C. His Sinless Life.
- D. His Miracles.
- E. His Bodily Resurrection from the Dead.
- F. His Exaltation to the Right Hand of God.
- The Ordinances of the Church.
- A. Baptism in Water.
- B. Holy Communion or Lord's Supper
- The Baptism with the Holy Spirit with the initial physical evidence of speaking in other tongues, as being for all believers, an the bestowment of the Gifts of the Spirit.
- Sanctification by the Word of God and by the Power of the Holy Spirit.
- The Church as the Body of Christ with the mission of evangelizing the world.
- The ministry gifts to the church for the edifying and perfecting of the saints, which are the Body of Christ.
- Divine healing and health.
- Doctrine of laying on of Hands.
- The Blessed Hope of the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The Millennial Reign.
- The Final Judgement.
- The New Heavens and the New Earth.